An important insight into today's organizing terrain! It's worth noting too that many of the labor organizers during the 1930s upsurge that created the CIO were also young - in their twenties and early thirties. Walter Reuther was 29 years old when he helped to found the UAW in 1935, and his brothers Roy and Victor were 27 and 25 years old, respectively. I'd be interested to know whether the survey on which this article is based was a random sample and how many responses were included in the analysis.

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Thanks Michael! The survey is of OC members in all 2022 union drives; so far 415 people have filled it out, I'm not done yet with it.

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Your post remembered about Eder Sader's book called "When New Characters Enter the Scene: Experiences and Struggles of Workers in Greater São Paulo" (1988). In this book, Sader showed the birth of Brazilian "Novo Sindicalismo" (new unionism) in 1980s.

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Jun 20, 2023Liked by Eric Blanc

Great post! We need more along these lines.

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Hi Eric, where can I find more on the survey you conducted?

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Fantastic! Thanks Eric!

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