"No space on the left for a third party"? Actually there's no space for the left in the Democratic Party. Why stick with a party that has discredited itself over decades, is tied to finance capital and corporate and academic elites, and is determined to "move to the center" after a humiliating defeat? It's time to start over with a new organization based in the unions and working class, with anti-war, anti-capitalist politics, as the Mexican left did with Morena when the PRD collapsed after the 2006 election fraud. A political party of the popular classes will never exist if we don't build it.
"No space on the left for a third party"? Actually there's no space for the left in the Democratic Party. Why stick with a party that has discredited itself over decades, is tied to finance capital and corporate and academic elites, and is determined to "move to the center" after a humiliating defeat? It's time to start over with a new organization based in the unions and working class, with anti-war, anti-capitalist politics, as the Mexican left did with Morena when the PRD collapsed after the 2006 election fraud. A political party of the popular classes will never exist if we don't build it.
No. There isn’t . And you saying it doesn’t make it true. Third parties are a dead end and continue to epically fail in the U.S.